I know how you feel. I remember when I started learning, to find good material that is straight to the point was very hard.
Let me show what I'm going to teach you!
Table of content:
- Chapter 1: Basic data types
- Number
- String
- Boolean and comparison operators
- Boolean
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Null and Undefined
- Comparing different data types. Arithmetic operations with different data types. Automatic
- Type Conversion
- Difference between “==”, “===” and “!=“, “!==”
- Summary
- Chapter 2: What is a variable?
- Properly naming your variables
- Semicolons
- Playing with basic data types and variables in console
- Declaring a variable: const vs let vs var
- Exercise : Swap the values of two variables
- Exercise solution
- Summary
- Chapter 3: Creating a .js file
- Defining multiple variables with ','
- Summary
- Chapter 4: Program control flow (If statements and let, var,
const revisited)
- If-else
- Else if
- Nested if statements
- let, var, const revisited
- Exercises: Analyze following deep nested if statements
- Exercises: Analyze following deep nested if statements
- Exercises solutions
- Exercises: Scoping problem
- Exercises solutions
- Summary
- Chapter 5: Prompt, converting string to number and switch
- Converting string to number
- Switch statement
- Exercise: Convert if else chain to switch
- Exercise solution
- Summary
- Chapter 6: Loops
- For loops, break and continue
- Looping through string
- Nested for loops
- While loops
- Nested while loops
- Two pointer technique with while loops
- Exercise: Write nested for loops which they log to console following
- Exercise solution
- Exercise : Log to console every odd number up until 50 (hint use modulo operator)
- Exercise solution
- Summary
- Chapter 7: Functions
- Function declaration, optional parameters multiple parameters
- Hoisting
- Function expression
- Anonymous function expression
- Difference between function declaration and function expression
- Arrow functions
- Scope revisited
- Closure
- Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
- Functions as first class citizens
- Higher order functions
- Exercise: What does following returns?
- Exercises solutions
- Exercise : Make the following work
- Exercise solutions
- Summary
- Chapter 8: Arrays
- What kind of data can you put inside arrays?
- Useful methods for arrays(push, unshift, pop, shift, indexOf, splice/slice)
- Nested arrays
- Looping through arrays
- Higher Order Functions-Revisited(forEach, map, filter, reduce)
- Two pointers technique revisited
- Exercise : Duplicate [1,2,3,4] to [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
- Exercise Solution
- Exercise : Find largest number in array
- Exercise solution
- Exercise : Find smallest number in array
- Exercise Solution
- Exercise : Reverse array with for loops
- Chapter 9 : Introduction To Object Oriented Programming
- Object
- Properties
- Methods
- This keyword troubles
- Class
- Encapsulation
- Module design pattern
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Summary
- Chapter 10: Introduction to Functional programming
- Pure functions and side effects
- Currying
- Recursion
- Word on recursion
- Function composition
- Summary
- Chapter 1: Basic data types
- Number
- String
- Boolean and comparison operators
- Boolean
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Null and Undefined
- Comparing different data types. Arithmetic operations with different data types. Automatic
- Type Conversion
- Difference between “==”, “===” and “!=“, “!==”
- Summary
- Chapter 2: What is a variable?
- Properly naming your variables
- Semicolons
- Playing with basic data types and variables in console
- Declaring a variable: const vs let vs var
- Exercise : Swap the values of two variables
- Exercise solution
- Summary
- Chapter 3: Creating a .js file
- Defining multiple variables with ','
- Summary
- Chapter 4: Program control flow (If statements and let, var,
const revisited)
- If-else
- Else if
- Nested if statements
- let, var, const revisited
- Exercises: Analyze following deep nested if statements
- Exercises: Analyze following deep nested if statements
- Exercises solutions
- Exercises: Scoping problem
- Exercises solutions
- Summary
- Chapter 5: Prompt, converting string to number and switch
- Converting string to number
- Switch statement
- Exercise: Convert if else chain to switch
- Exercise solution
- Summary
- Chapter 6: Loops
- For loops, break and continue
- Looping through string
- Nested for loops
- While loops
- Nested while loops
- Two pointer technique with while loops
- Exercise: Write nested for loops which they log to console following 0000 0001 0002 ….... 0999 1000 1001 ….... 9999
- Exercise solution
- Exercise : Log to console every odd number up until 50 (hint use modulo operator)
- Exercise solution
- Summary
- Chapter 7: Functions
- Function declaration, optional parameters multiple parameters
- Hoisting
- Function expression
- Anonymous function expression
- Difference between function declaration and function expression
- Arrow functions
- Scope revisited
- Closure
- Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)
- Functions as first class citizens
- Higher order functions
- Exercise: What does following returns?
- Exercises solutions
- Exercise : Make the following work
- Exercise solutions
- Summary
- Chapter 8: Arrays
- What kind of data can you put inside arrays?
- Useful methods for arrays(push, unshift, pop, shift, indexOf, splice/slice)
- Nested arrays
- Looping through arrays
- Higher Order Functions-Revisited(forEach, map, filter, reduce)
- Two pointers technique revisited
- Exercise : Duplicate [1,2,3,4] to [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4]
- Exercise Solution
- Exercise : Find largest number in array
- Exercise solution
- Exercise : Find smallest number in array
- Exercise Solution
- Exercise : Reverse array with for loops
- Chapter 9 : Introduction To Object Oriented Programming
- Object
- Properties
- Methods
- This keyword troubles
- Class
- Encapsulation
- Module design pattern
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Summary
- Chapter 10: Introduction to Functional programming
- Pure functions and side effects
- Currying
- Recursion
- Word on recursion
- Function composition
- Summary
This book is beginner friendly, we go through material step by step, starting from variables to object oriented programming and finally functional programming
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