Create your CV Professionally in easy step by step process
Lottery website/games
Complex single page web application and site with many lottery based games written in JavaScript
Guide Prescriber Support helps healthcare professionals when prescribing assistive devices in healthcare. Guide contains a wide range of services for healthcare organizations that have the goal of increasing the quality of care. With Guide, it is easy to select the right product and you get help with prescription, follow-up and documentation
Complex single page web application that is based on Angular 1.4 to Angular 7+
Find more than 800.000 potential buyers, suppliers, and partners. Register for free and discover essential business information.
All data is stored in MongoDb. Staff birth date, position, date from-date to etc. Then Express.js is used to build API off MongoDb data. Angular sends http request to API, fetches the data, and show it to the user. Every segment/module of code is tested with Jasmine.js Angular directives, services, controllers etc. I worked in team with UI Designer.
I was assigned to improve the application. I implemented auto quartal of the year calculation. Before that, quartal of the year was hard coded. I implemented filters for the development teams and I refactored whole code and wrote tests for features that I implemented.
Application fetches EPICS from JIRA, for each Software Architect. It shows to what projects they are assigned to, their progress, etc. I worked with UI designer. He designed, I programmed Back End (Node.js, Express.js), and Front End with Angular.js, Jasmine etc.
Worked in the team with three other developers. Web application/dashboard that helps renting agents manage rents, client to communicate with agents, agents to see what properties clients own, check if properties needs a repair, what bonds and leases exists etc.
Book geared toward beginners. Book is full of code examples, easy to read, and full of value
I wrote a book that will teach you the core of programming and JavaScript. After this book you will easily learn frameworks and if you want back end(Node.js). Book starts from basic data types and goes through object oriented programming and even touches the advances topics like functional programming. At the end of the chapters there are exercises that help you solidify your knowledge. Book is made with minimal text and maximum knowledge. There are no long pointless text. Straight at the point
This book will teach you how recursion is used on more than 40 algorithms spanning from arrays to sets to binary trees to graphs. You always see on examples online that people use fibonnaci or some stuff like that to show recursion. But, I will show you proven techniques from my experience that you can apply to all data structures.
Re-write of Bakson HR in Angular 16.
Web application which enables editing of images
Train your musical ear with this web application
Memorize intervals, single notes and scales & modes
Web chat application written in Node js with Web Sockets. Chat in real time
Mind mapping application
Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer with Web Sockets
Fully functional calendar in pure JavaScript.
Goal of this web app is to teach you music notes. Only requirement is to know basic notes(CDEFGAB) on your chosen instrument. Clicking on New Note or pressing space button will show note randomly on music staff. You can guess note either by using keyboard or by clicking.
When you get good at recognizing first set of notes, you can add ledger lines to increase difficulty.
Slide puzzle game writen in TypeScript
Solve it in less moves as possible. When the number is green, that means the number is in right position.
Move pieces next to '-' box/piece.
Web application which helps to memorize notes on guitar fretboard, written in TypeScript
Web application which helps to memorize notes on piano, written in TypeScript
Responsive Metronome app written with CoffeeScript/Backbone
League Of Legends Memory Game written in TypeScript
Collection of small useful apps, written with Backbone.js/Javascript
Data for all apps is stored in localStorage. Application code is designed in way that allows expanding/adding/coding new small apps easily. For now there are 3. Probably in future there will be more
How many boxes can you hit in given time?